Bridesburg residents are going above and beyond to make sure their neighbors, first responders, nurses, cashiers, postal workers and total strangers, are ok.

Class of 2020
Without listing all the things that our local graduates did not get to do during the final months of their senior year, let’s just agree that it’s been tough. The experiences and memories they were supposed to be enjoying were replaced with isolation, anxiety and disbelief. As graduation dates come and go, it becomes even harder to accept.
Bridesburg Citizen Soldier
The Bridesburg All Wars Memorial Roster was founded and maintained by the Bridesburg Historical Society. We want to include those individuals who now live or ever lived in Bridesburg and served war conflicts in Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq. Please submit appropriate information by mail to Bridesburg Historical Society.
If you know me, you know I love photos. Truth be told, I like taking the photos a lot more than I like being in them, but that’s a story for another time. It was the photo lover in me that HAD to have a quarantine “porchrait” done the moment I saw Kevin Monko’s work show up in my Facebook newsfeed.
Riverfront North Partnership announces first recipients of Bridesburg Impact Grants (BIG)
Riverfront North Partnership is pleased to announce the first recipients of Bridesburg Impact Grants.
Free Books in Bridesburg
Like everybody these days, I spend a lot of time cleaning and reorganizing my house. We’ve even managed to squeeze in a total make-over of one of our twin’s bedrooms that was abandoned when they moved away for college. When I cleaned out the closet in that bedroom to make room for my stuff, I found several boxes of our kids’ books.
The Bridesburg Cougars
It has been nearly a month since the spread of the coronavirus shut down the sports world. For some, hope did spring eternal that a return to the playing field might be possible, but deep down, they knew it to be improbable as the situation developed.
Coming Events
Memorial Day Parade News
The Bridesburg Memorial Day Parade has not been cancelled and plans for the Parade will be communicated as we get closer to Memorial Day. Your support of this historical event is needed more than ever! We’re working diligently on doing what is best for both the Parade and for the safety of the Bridesburg Community. This is a difficult time for all of us, but we will get through this together. We’ll do this by never forgetting our Veterans: those that made the greatest sacrifice of all!
Online Worship
Emanuel United Church of Christ offers online worship on Facebook Live on Sundays at 10 a.m. Daily Devotionals are also available.
Riverfront North has some great things happening in the next few months that we are really excited about:
Bridesburg Porch Decorating Contest
Show your love for America and pride in Bridesburg! Enter the Bridesburg Patriotic House Decorating Contest for your chance to win $50 prizes in one of five categories. Contest ends May 12th at noon, so get decorating soon! Submit your decorated porch pictures! More info here: https://riverfrontnorth.org/decorate/
Bridesburg History Series
Riverfront North Partnership in collaboration with Philadelphia artist Aislinn Pentecost-Farren are producing “River Ways”, historical mini-documentaries of Bridesburg resident’s experiences along the river. See them all at riverfrontnorth.org/bridesburg, you just may recognize someone you know! We want to hear your stories about life in Bridesburg along the river. If you have a story to tell, email us at info@riverfrontnorth.org or call 215-425-8350.
Bridesburg Impact Grants – Apply Today for $500
Riverfront North has just awarded the first batch of grants to bring ideas to life in the Bridesburg community. The March recipients are: (Bridesburg 5K, Trish Houck/Community Art Mural, United Veterans of Bridesburg Parade Organization). New applications are accepted on a rolling basis and are open to any projects in the 19137 area code. To apply for your $500 grant, visit: riverfrontnorth.org/thinkbig
The Burg
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